Why Mnemonic
The Mnemonic
Holds everything together
Our action
Our thinking
Our consciousness
Our consist of experience
Which we in the form of
own memories
carry in us!
Steve J. Gildemeister
Business psychologist & Mnemotechnician
Remember as many pictures as possible and make a YouTube video (with us). GER-DUB To the remember Challenge
To the interview with Yagi and evaluation of his targeted training. In 2023 we were scientifically proven that memory traning has a positive effect on auditive working memory. Information can be stored, processed and retrieved targeted!
Improve the learning atmosphere enormously. Teaching across subjects, compensating learning defict, application of autogenenic positive method and memory methods.
Mnemonik Coaching
Show others how the methods work.
Easily learn chess notation my memorize and play chess blindly.
Left, right, above below - The improved body method
Quick memory of information (Memorize key points).
One improved System for calender calculating
Determining the day of the week by date.
Imoroved name-face-remembering
To remember name and faces.
Word confusion method
Fast learning facts, foreign words and vocabulary.
Autogenic Training with positive thoughts and assoziations.
Flowfinding and significant increase in conzentration and imagination.
Particuarly suitable for ADHD.
The following methods imrpove, including:The spelling is significant and mathematical understanding. Particuarly suitable for dyslexia und dyscalculia. Association techniques use other areas of the brain.
Improved alphabet memory.
Say forward, backward and sequentially.
Numerical assignment.
Clear difference from b, d, p, q, g, etc.
Stevies Trile
Extrem improved Loci-Method for verbial quotation.
Customized number assoziations
Memory numbers based on favorite associations of children (Collection and evaluation since 2018).
Favorite multiplikation rhythm
Learning the 1x1 is easy.
Carousel method
Note multiplication- and division results.
Number grid method
Note multiplikation- and division results and annual numbers.
Numerator and denominator children
Simple method so that children can solve harder division tasks in their head.
Improved image calculation
Easier to calculate up to 3-digit multiplication problems in your head.
One improved Major-System
Read in numbers, like in a book: memorize any numbers even faster. Like phone numbers, chredit card number,birthdays, ect., train reading and memory of difficult words.
Those who have made it here,
trained from their own motivation and used
the methods from Steve J. Gildemeister .
➼ acquire new knowledge more efficiently
➼ specifically recall knowledge from memory
➼ Greatly improve memory
➼ Extremely increase mental concentration ability
➼ Manage exam fears, homework and social conflicts even better
➼ Recognize your own potential and use it even better
➼ Make your own goals clear and achievable
➼ Intensively train conciousness (expand your own horizon)
➼ Social competence techniques are taught
(Steve J. Gildemeister field of study Soz. comp. diploma 1,0)
➼ Develop better mathematical unserstanding and better spatial thinking
➼ Improve school grades
➼ Training instrinsic motivation (developing mindset) and engagement (Independence)
➼ Develope new, original and useful ideas
➼ Learn foreign languages better
➼ Skills and abilities fpr performance in life and competition are trained (develop resilience)
Neighborhood… „It's basically based on building member bridges for yourself“, Gildemeister explains the principle of memory training. There are various techniques that always have to do with stories: What you need to remember is, for example, connected with your own body parts, wich you go through little one, or you imagine a walk through a zoo ...
Veröffentlicht am 28.07.2020 von Ingo Salmen. Mehr lesen auf Tagesspiegel.de
With the help of advanced memory methods, it is now possible for children to recall over 1,000 numbers from memory.
More on that: Hall of Fame
Once properly learned, memory methods can be used throughout your life!
Teacher: Teaching Mnemonik
Executives: Mnemonik Coaching in the company
Trainings for employees: Safe application of methods
Also: Desensitization of fears and habits
Includes: Psychological content and application exercises based on mnemotechniques
Targeted learning for upcoming exams.
Includes: Easily transfer any learning content into memory and recall it targeted.
or 40€/45 Min. with an IMTraining-Coach
with appropriate learning method for vocabualry. logical sequences, facts, nu7mbers, names, faces or other information based on mnemotechniques.
Includes: Intensive training 1 learning method so that you can apply it permanently.
German wide - Selection:
Free contract or parental initiave
Feel free to arrange a free trial training
For the memory palace, in many views you have to use the loci method. We know this need to be managed really very well. Otherwise it's just a memory chamber that is created.
The more that is added to the palace or the more that does not match reality is added to the palace, the harder it will be to keep the desired information there and find it again.
Memory techniques are there to increase memory power. Steve J. Gildemeister does not use locis memory palace because despite many years of testing and improvement attemps, it still does not provide the desired memory performance. This palace remains individual and should ony be used by experienced memory artists. The memory palace is elaborate, has to be repeated again and is very prone to error.
The memory palace is possible but way to difficult. V Many imagine going into the memory palace, throwing the information into a room and relying on the information to stay there. This works very well with the body method. But not in a memory palace with lots of rooms. The information must be strongly anchored, tied and , ideally, frozen in a block of ice so that hundreds of more information can come to visit the memory palace. You have to imagine that the information will stay for a relative short time compared to other memory methods and will get away quickly if you do not constantly repeat it. How to spend your time with a mindful inventory. Not suitable for everyday life.
Mr Gildemeister uses memory cluster to create new knowledge with existing knowledge. The memory methods serve the trasfer of new knowledge or new information ino memory, the strengthened connection of the associated knowledge and the targetedrevall of the information from memory. They are your best tool for increasing intelligence. Even independent information can be made noteable in order to bevome creative. We are human beings! We are not Machines! We forget! This is totally normal!
Learning through understanding. We will be happy to help you with our experience. mans wantr to learn memory methods to learn fast and forget fast. We don't want this kind of learning behavoir. Whats left chaufferur's knowledge (Driver: Talk what was picked up without understanding the sense). Use memory methods to accept knowledge easier and build it up piece by piece. Keep your knowledge and recall it targeted in order to apply it. Becqause in the end you have built your own memory palace as it should be defined. It does not need a loci method and consists of your existing knowledge. The individual components of your memory palace are the growing, structured memory cluster. The construction workers are the memory methods that should execute their work confidently.
Please contact us at: im.training.schule@gmail.com
Datenschutz & Impressum | ©Steve J. Gildemeister | Berlin